Legal notice


Stem Genomics
Cap Sigma
1682 rue de la Valsière
34790 Grabels – France

Graphic design and production

Caconcept | Alexis Cretin
Graphic design and communication studio in Montpellier

Publication director

Stem Genomics | Nicolas Chapal


OVH – Nom de domaine et hébergement
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix (France)


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According to the provisions of the article 34 of the French law “Informatique et Libertés” (Personal data protection act) of 6 January 1978, you can access your personal data. To exercise your right to access and modify your personal data in accordance with the article 34 of the law “Informatique et libertés” of the 6 January 1978, please, send us an e-mail message.

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This website and all the related rights are the exclusive property in their totality of the owner mentioned previously. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of this site in any form or medium, without the explicit authorization by the website operator, is forbidden and constitutes an infringement of the copyright sanctioned by the articles L 335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property Code.

Quality policy

Stem Genomics quality policy is available upon request at

Upcoming webinar

Join us LIVE for our webinar “Genomic stability made easy” to discover how Stem Genomics has turned cutting-edge technologies into easy testing solutions accessible to most labs.

Get expert opinions and user perspectives on our genomic stability assays in the context of iPSC research.

Happening on Tuesday, November 14, 6 pm CET

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